Why Use AMP21?
Are you looking for “REAL” world tasks (small business references, break-even analyses, percentages and rates, etc) that engage your students and help them develop analytical skills they will use in life? When you look at your math materials, are they full of contrived problems that no one would ever dream of solving in the real world? (Ex: Two trains left their stations at the same time traveling in opposite directions….) Do you want materials that have well planned teacher protocols and teacher prompts, questions to engage discourse, estimated times of discussion, step-by-step implementation guides? Do you want your students to become independent thinkers and able to begin problems without your help getting started? Are you looking for problems concerning relevant social issues and up-to-date context? Are you tired of hearing students say that they hate math? Are you looking for math problems that will motivate students and spark discourse? Are you looking for problems in real life that may take a few class periods to solve, not two minutes?
If any of these questions sound like something you have recently thought, try AMP21 today! The AMP21 curriculum was designed to engage students with even modest mathematical skills to find motivation and success in addressing real-world decisions.
What the AMP21 Program Offers
- Get excited about your teaching again and experience a teaching “makeover” that actually impacts your students’ learning.
- Tired of the traditional math programs and looking for authentic, relevant “REAL” world tasks that align with your vision of what your students need to experience as well as the standards you need to teach.
Problem Based Scenarios
- Investigate complex scenarios in business, industry, marketing, government, sports, and management that are aligned to the standards and can easily be placed into units of study.
- Scenarios can be used by students individually but it is preferred that students work in collaborative teams.
- Lessons generally run approximately two class periods in length and may be introduced at the beginning, middle, or end of the unit.
- Where should the scenarios be placed in the curriculum and what should be removed? Teachers should look for a major concentration of the standards that are covered in the scenario in their units of study. That would be a good place to insert the task. (Research on using rich tasks indicates that individual math skills can be covered within the rich task. Teachers using the materials have found that to be the case and may use the provided practice problems and omit textbook drill problems.)
- Each lesson has an extensive teacher guide complete with step by step protocols of how to implement each scenario in your classroom, including a number talk, how to launch the task, questions to ask while students explore, how to summarize, time stamps, formative assessments, and practice problems.
- The scenarios contain relevant content and the implementation guide provides a nice blend of content and pedagogy.
- Professional learning is available virtually or in person. If desired, teachers can experience how easily the scenarios are implemented with the Launch-Explore-Summarize Protocol and how the teacher guide assists in pedagogy.
College Preparation
- In-depth focus on three essential areas of PSAT/SAT math: Problem Solving and Data Analysis, Heart of Algebra, and Passport to Advanced Math.
- Preparation for college and university math courses that focus on quantitative reasoning skills.
- For students who are going to pursue business, management, administration, engineering, or public policy, learning, AMP21 techniques are excellent preparation for their eventual college majors.
Cost Effective Math Curriculum
Sample exercises are available to download at no cost. This allows you to decide whether this math curriculum is a good fit for your classroom without having to commit to purchasing an expensive new program. After that, each volume is inexpensive to use. Books can be purchased both in hard copy or e-book formats for less then $20 each.