AMP21: A Different Type Of Math Curriculum for All Students
If you are looking for a new curriculum to better motivate and engage your students in mathematics, AMP21 is your answer. Adaptable and flexible to the needs of your students, AMP21 can be used to supplement existing curriculum or in place of your current texts. With problem scenarios that are relevant to students, they can better apply mathematics principles both inside and outside the classroom. Designed by educators and experts, AMP21 is aligned to the Standards for Mathematics Practice and the problems in the AMP21 curriculum offer opportunities for students to discuss aspects of the problem beyond just how to find one right answer.
The educators behind AMP21 also understand the challenges behind implementing new curriculum. That is why they have developed a cost-effective solution and provided multiple resources for teachers, administrators, and parents alike! Check out the links below for more information, including samples exercises for you to explore using in your classrooms.
What Students Have to Say About AMP21
Become an Ambassador!
We are always looking for teachers who have experience using our materials to act as ambassadors. This might involve nothing more than sharing your experiences with other math teachers in your district. If you would like to go a step further, we are always looking for presenters or co-presenters at state and national conferences. So, if any of this sounds like something you’re willing to do, just let us know!